Hackney to Wandsworth to Pimlico

There are no minutes – from me at least – because Saturday is different to Wednesday.

 However it was epic.

 Most people skated from Hackney to Waterloo via 2 or 3 major spots each with a session on. Then most people skated from Wandsworth to Pimlico via 2 or 3 major spots each with a session on.
After a brief overview of the map that looks like a total of around 8 miles, and that’s if we went the best way and we didn’t stop to skate, which we didn’t and we did, respectively.

 Perhaps I should say it was fucking epic. Skate of the year 2008, setting global standards and it’s only January.
There was video around so look out for that shit at the premiere. I won’t name names although Ben did strive to ‘get in the minutes’ so there he is. Someone else can do a trick rundown or a chart countdown or something…I counted 5 pints at the Morpeth Arms before I lost everyone in the tunnels of Oxford Circus.